event 2016-07-01   edit Hasrul Hanif, Emanuel Bria

Indonesia is a classic example of a country that has overcome the oil curse. This was partly due to wiser spending politics as we weathered extremely volatile global oil prices between 1974 and 1989. Eventually, we moved from an oil-dependent economy to a more diversified one.

event 2016-02-01   edit Poppy S Winanti, Emanuel Bria

China has been included in the top 10 list of foreign investor in Indonesia since 2014. As in many other countries, China’s interest in Indonesia is in its energy and mining sectors; More than half of its total investment has been directed toward extractive industries. Despite the recent economic downturn in China, this investment is expected to grow as part of the broader ASEAN-China Investment Agreement.

event 2016-01-26   local_offer Local Knowledge   edit Gusty Fahik

Equality means local community is able to speak on their own voice, and promote relevant local concepts for improving resource governance policy. It is part of government duty and tasks of intermediaries, for instance the Church, to interpret these local concepts into the common terminologies that can be understood by public. This article is written to respond Policy Brief Dissemination Forum in Kupang on 18 January 2016. Original article "Pengetahuan Lokal dan Persoalan Kesetaraan" was published by Pos Kupang/Tribunnews.com on 25 Januari 2016.

event 2016-01-25   local_offer Local Knowledge   edit Rosdi Bahtiar Martadi

The master plan of gold mining exploration on Protected Forest Tumpang Pitu is a high risk decision, due to its location either the impact. The planned mining will evict the protected forest that is believed also as the natural barrier against Tsunami. Further more, the extractive activities are going to destroy the all the stunning biological wealth in the forest. Original article "Emas, Hing Sumbut, Lik" was written in Bahasa to respond PolGov policy brief that disseminated in Surabaya on 26 January 2016.