Resource Governance in Asia Pacific (RegINA) is the Asia Pacific knowledge hub for Better Governance on Extractive Industries. The Hub is managed by Department of Politics and Government (POLGOV), Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia in collaboration with Natural Resources Governance Institute (NRGI). 

We are a university-based hub allied with multi-stakeholders coalition to promote energy security, welfare, and sustainability through policy advocacy networks in Asia Pacific Region. The initiative builds collective capacity to monitor extractive sectors. This coalition for reform brought together actors and reformers from the civil society, governments, private sectors, experts as well as independent and professional think tanks to work towards greater good governance objectives.

In supporting coalition for reform, we and our partners develop tools to build understanding of transparency and accountability dimensions as well as facilitate series course that challenged governance for extractive sectors that are often concealed in secrecy. Series of researchs providing knowledge and skill enhance policy networked-advocacy in the respective countries within Asia Pacific region.



Become leading university-based knowledge hub on governance of extractive industries in Asia Pacific Region, support the growing number of reformers and change makers engaged in extractive resources governance and deepen their knowledge and skills base for positive policy impact.


In achieving the goal, we set up two intermediate objectives:

Our Work

We particularly convene coalition for reform focusing on critical aspects of the natural resources decision chain to build good governance on extractive industry sectors. We facilitate knowledge hub system for vibrant discussion over mentorship, sharing of knowledge and experiences, among experts, CSO activists, policy makers, and other accountability actors.

We embrace our core competencies, such as measurement and assessment of natural resources governance. We presently provide policy advice and advocacy infused with lessons learned in the fieldwork and rigorous research. We conducted policy-oriented research on extractive industries governance issue, particularly in the topics: citizenship in resource rich regions (2015) and local knowledge for natural resource governance (2015). The researches on those topics are correspondingly in collaboration with University of Oslo (UiO) and Knowledge Sector Initiative (KSI-AustralianAid).

In enlightening collective capacity in Asia Pacific regional level, we facilitate series of training on Developing Better Governance on Extractive Industries encompassing the value chain of extractive industries, markedly social-environmental impact; revenue management; tax, royalty and contract terms; development of transparency initiatives; and coalition for reform. In line with these activities, we enhances networked-advocacy that developing policy reform, notably in improving transparency and accountability framework.

We facilitate annual forum to share ideas and innovations of extractive sectors among the local leader in South East Asia. The hub has supported policy advocacy that has been initiated by the CSOs in Asia Pacific regions to encourage policy reforms in respective countries.

We also have contributed to ASEAN epistemic through our scoping studies in policies and collaborative researches for improving resources governance in respective countries. Numerous publications have been presented including in ASEAN international conferences and book printed. 

We publish our works in a variety of formats, including working papers, policy briefs, modules, and articles. All of our publications are available for download free of charge. [Our publication] 

Our People

Management Team

Nanang Indra Kurniawan (Program Director)

Mahesti Hasanah (Hub Manager)


Board of Experts

Purwo Santoso 

Abdul Gafar Karim 

Poppy S Winanti 

Hasrul Hanif 

Joash E. Tapiheru 

Ashari Cahyo Edi



Wigke Capri Arti 

Muhammad Djindan

Primi Suharmadhi Putri 

Indah Surya Wardhani



Our first two years was supported by The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through IKAT-US Project. The hub today is managed in collaboration with Natural Resources Governance Institute (NRGI).